Saturday, March 2, 2013

Early March Happenings

Happy March to all, I hope you can get out and enjoy the beautiful weather before more rain sets in.

We have new weekly practice sheets that everyone should now be familiar with. These sheets are a way to keep students actively involved in their practice, giving more thought into how and why they practice, with tips on how to improve their practice time. Parents still need to sign the practice sheet, and they are now due on Mondays. No longer accepted are random pieces of paper with minutes written on them. This change took place for practice sheets due February 25th, all weeks prior to that will still use the old practice sheets. Each week our Documents page will be updated with the current practice sheet, with only the few current weeks available on that page. If at any time you are missing a week that is not available on our site, you will need to see Mrs. Wiseman.

Next Wednesday, March 6th is our Band Parent Booster Meeting. This will be at 6:30pm in the band room. We will be working on finalizing details for our Open House dinner which will be on March 27th, and discussing upcoming band events. As always we look for volunteers and input from parents, and we encourage parents of 5th, 6th and 7th graders to start becoming involved as we have many parents of 8th graders leaving the boosters in June with their graduating student.

A week from now on Saturday, March 9th is the CMEA Regional Band Festival. Band is sounding really great on these songs! The festival takes place at the David Marr Theater. We play at 1pm on the theater stage, and you need to be in one of the warm up rooms within the Shasta Learning Center building by 12:15. Attire for this is Concert: White shirt, black pants or skirt, black socks, black shoes. If you are coming from another activity, make sure you have your instruments and clothes with you. Mrs. Wiseman will collect music on Friday, so no one has to worry about bringing music for this. She will also have what extra percussion equipment is needed.
We are the first group after lunch, so after our performance you are welcome to stay and listen to any other groups that perform. The group to follow us is the Shasta High School Concert Band who performs at 1:35pm. This group is first year band students at Shasta, primarily Freshman, so you will see some familiar faces!
Those who let Mrs. Wiseman know ahead of time of their absence are asked to record their parts for the 3 songs we will play for their grade. If you have no means of recording on computer, you will have to set a time with Mrs. Wiseman to come in either before school or after school to play your parts, as there will be no time in class for her to listen to you. The 3 songs are “Dedicatory Overture”, “El Capitan” and “Eternal Hope”.

If you like to stay up to date on all our events, make sure you check out our Calendar page, as it has all upcoming events with information on where to be, when to be there, and what to wear! This information is always kept up to date, so be sure to check back closer to an event date to make sure you have the current details.

Look for another blog post next week after our booster meeting. We will have updated details on upcoming events such as Open House and an 8th grade evening trip to see a local musical!

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